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Attention, World! Jesus Christ Does Not Need Your Approval! – Inspirational Christian Blogs

[ad_1] By Dr. Donald Whitchard “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the

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‘rejoicing in the queerness of God’ – Inspirational Christian Blogs

[ad_1] By Greg Holt (True Conservative Pundit) In the 2012 election the Democrat’s position was anti-God, in fact a headline from their… [ad_2] Source

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2 Timothy 1 being the Church Christian battle scars Christianity END TIMES / PROPHECY EVANGELISM Faith FAITH FOR TODAY false gospel INSPIRATIONAL ARTICLES Luke 22:42-44 Matthew 10:34-36 OUTREACH playing church Spiritual warfare The apostle Paul the prosperity gospel THE WORD OF GOD FOR TODAY

Battle Scars – Inspirational Christian Blogs

[ad_1] By Rob Pue As we endure life in this world, walking by faith and not by sight, walking in the Spirit of God

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